Okocha Obasi’s Take on Failure
At just 22 years old, the Its Nice That Extra Nice Fund recipient, Somerset House Young Producer, Race Zine founder and club night guru has amassed some incredible early success, but it’s not all been plain sailing.
In the second episode of The F Word, freelance art director and designer Okocha Obasi shares his experiences of failure, burn out and the life lessons that he’s taken from them. University was a big source of failure-flavoured anxiety for Okocha and at times he felt completely overwhelmed.
We often get to a point where survival mode kicks in and our body helps us to make the decisions that our head and heart can’t quite reach an agreement over. Acknowledging and dealing with that burnout proved a transformative moment for Okocha, who approaches his career and creativity with a healthy perspective on failure, welcoming it into the process.
Watch the latest instalment of this limited video series — powered by the good folks over at Adobe — and be sure to like the video and subscribe to our YouTube channel if you make it that far.
We hope you liked the video and like us, have completely fallen for Okocha. You can follow him on Insta here where you can grab links to his abundance of projects and initiatives. If you find yourself watching the video on our YouTube channel, be sure to like and subscribe, the next episode drops in a fortnight and it’s a must-watch! Thank you again to Adobe for the support and understanding. This project is six months late, which serves us right for talking about failure.