Jeremy Rieger
Vibrant and enchanting visuals from the DePaul University graphic design student
As a child, Jeremy Rieger would watch his mum draw, trying to emulate the eyes and faces she depicted. Encouraged by her, his fascination with illustration only grew as he got older. After switching his major from Philosophy and then to Music, Jeremy eventually found his way to the Graphic Design course at DePaul University where he currently studies. It’s proven to be a great decision and the slick work that’s come as a result shows that taking your time to find the right fit pays off.
Influenced by designers like Yusaku Kamekura and painters like Henri Matisse, Jeremy’s work is vibrant and charming; a space where soothing night-scapes, organic forms and hypnotic compositions interact to create enchanting posters. The subjects of these posters draw from a wide range of inspirations; anything from the music he’s been listening to how he’s been feeling. “My personal work is an outlet to practice and be creative while expressing how I feel. I could be feeling restless, wanting to escape, or mentally cluttered,” he muses, but “it isn’t always that sad!”
Juggling a job alongside university, Jeremy dreams up a lot of his designs at work. “I draw all day while I work and I try to translate my little doodles into my compositions,” he explains. The way he translates these doodles is part of an exploratory and process-driven approach which involves “experimenting and applying a new technique … and having that be the centre of [his] design.” For Jeremy the most important step in that process is just getting started and “throwing all [his] ideas at the screen and developing it from there.”
While he completes his university studies Jeremy’s intentions for the future are just as exploratory, focussing on learning new things, perhaps designing a typeface and exploring 3D. If his current work is anything to go by, we’re sure these new ventures will result in stunning work and we can’t wait!