Loïc Altaber
Flawless graphic design that masterfully mixes typography, image and motion
Loïc Altaber’s exquisite designs that are playful and informed, display his exceptional skill and a clear dedication to his practiced discipline. His mesmerising scenes, where type, image and motion move in unison, show design to be a craft –one to be wielded and masterfully skilled in. It’s his content, that Loïc is set on celebrating through each design, as he expresses to us, “my graphic design practice can have an architectural approach. I really enjoy graphic systems that allow me to play with the content. Typography takes a consistent place in my practice, as I consider the text visually equal to the pure graphic form”.
Paris is brimming with incredible graphic designers and, Loïc is certainly one of them. Moving away from home, a little town in the South of Lyon a few years ago, Loïc moved to Paris to study design. First, studying a two year BA at École Estienne in Paris on the graphic design course, and after he studied a two year MA specialising in type design in the same school. “Learning type design helped me to understand my process and how I produce my graphic design. I don’t make type design anymore, but I’m still interested in typography and how to use it”, he tells us. His graphic design today is informed by his typographic background, and it’s clear that what he’s learnt keeps on giving. Loïc graduated last year from École Estienne but, is currently collaborating with the wonderful graphic design studio, Building Paris as a freelancer.
During his MA, Loïc retrospectively focused a project around Buster Keaton‘s cinematic vision. Time as a concept impassions Loïc, as he tells us more, “I really like this notion of time which can be part of my projects. In this one, I analysed time in Buster Keaton’s movies, which in turn helped me to understand how to time my animations”. They honour Keaton’s concept on time and respects his film direction. His captivating and engaging animated film posters play homage to Keaton’s films, and surely will inspire a new audience. Looking for new collaborations, Loïc would love to work with a film-related institution or a film title.
Loïc is an undeniably talented graphic designer. We’re certainly keeping a close eye on what’s to come and, highly recommend you do too – he’s one to watch.